BTW, Adrian Smith fyllde år den 27 februari.
Den här texten om honom hittade jag på Oskars
bilddagbok. Den stämmer utmärkt ;

(Texten kan tänkas bajstråkig på vissa ställen för den som inte
känner igen Iron Maiden- & Metallicalåtar.)

Let us pray:
Our father, who art in England, Adrian be thy name...

Adrian Smith is drawing nearer, on a leather steed he rides, he comes to take your life. Onto the dead of night, Adrian Smith rides, so choose your fate and die!
Adrian Smith is so cool, he doesn't care about anything.
Adrian Smith invented the secret formula for Coca-Cola.
Adrian Smith gave the moon a child.
Adrian Smith is an infinite dream.
Adrian Smith can play with madness.
Adrian Smith makes the evil that men do live on.
Adrian Smith created the Universe so he would have a place to play guitar.
Jesus Christ was not crucified. He was Smithed. The Bible just tones things down.
Adrian Smith is the king of the mullet; kneel and worship!
Adrian Smith created the dinosaurs because he wanted some nice toys to play with. Then he destroyed them because they kept trampling on his guitar.
Adrian Smith loves all his creations equally, except for n00bs, who he shuns.
Adrian Smith created the circle. He also created Pi to piss off mathematicians who try to analyze his creation.
Adrian Smith invented the iron maiden as a torture device in the Middle Ages. That's why Steve had to let him join the band.
Adrian Smith's guitar is gonna kill your momma.
Adrian Smith eats lesser guitarists for breakfast, with toast and orange juice.
Adrian Smith is not a great guitarist with a unique style, he made great guitarists and he made style.
Adrian Smith's guitar playing makes young women smile and grown men cry.
This is Adrian Smith's world; we just live in it.

Adrian Smith will never die. The world will die around him.



Happy Birthday babe ♥
#1 / / t:

Äsch jag orkade inte leewsa () Men man får väl säga grattis i efterskott då ;)